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Title: EMI Music Publishing -
Description:EMI Music Publishing is a different kind of music company. We’re proud to represent the single greatest popular music catalog in the world, containing well over a million of the best songs ever written. At the same time, we’ve got the customer focus, attention-to-detail and flexibility of a small boutique outfit, with music to match every need, deadline or budget. We’ve got an enviable track record in signing the best songwriters working in the music industry today. It’s our ability to discover and nurture such amazing talent that has helped us be named Billboard’s Publisher of the Year for the last twelve years in the United States, and Music Week’s Publisher of the Year in the UK for another two years on top of that. We regard working with such high caliber songwriters and songs as a privilege, and with that comes a responsibility to work tirelessly to connect the music with as many people as possible whether via television, movies, videogames, merchandise or the many other outlets for music in the modern world. Our teams of music specialists create long-term relationships with businesses, brands and clients, to ensure that we understand the intricacies of their requirements, and that we provide them with the songs that will best allow them to achieve their goals. None of this would be possible without our staff. From the A&R listening to music in some far-flung club to the administration team who ensures that the songwriter gets paid, EMI Music Publishing’s employees are experts in their field, and passionate about the work that they do. We recognize that every song and every business partner is different, and that comes through in the way we act and work. Of course, experience is the best proof of our unique approach to music. So, whether you’re a new or established songwriter who wants your songs to reach the widest possible audience, or a client looking to license the perfect song for your latest project, why not start your next project with EMI Music Publishing?


West Coast
Date Added:June 25, 2011

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